Helichrysum essential oil is called “Gold of Croatia” because in Croatia it is as valuable as Gold, maybe even more. After all our Health is even more valuable than Money.

Today I choose to share with you all about my visit to the biggest Helichrysum Farm in the world which is in Croatia, near Split. I am still remembering vividly when I first joined Young Living Helichrysum was out of stock for a long period of time and I was surprised about the reason. The oils offered to Young Living from third party supplier were of poor quality and Young Living decided not to sell the oil on the market. We all waited eagerly for Helichrysum to be available. If you have been with Young Living for awhile you may have encountered oils or products out of stock and this is because Young Living essential oils are not manufactured in a laboratory. It takes time for the plants to be planted, grown, harvested and distilled. This is what we call the Seed to Seal Process and its is the key to a premium quality oil,
The farm in Croatia is near Split in a beautiful Region called Dalmatia. It is a Young Living partner farm with an area of 500,000sqm. Young Living has just bought another 500,000sqm so the size of the farm will be double and will be the biggest Helichrysum Farm in the world.
Besides Helichrysum, the farm also grows and distills Juniper, Sage and Bay Laurel.
The land of the farm has not been contaminated with any chemicals, heavy metals or radioactive material. The land was unused for over 40 years. There are lots of wild plants growing at the land, which is a sign that the soil is healthy. e.g. the European Union (which has very strict standards) allows 0.3 heavy metals in the soil and Dalmatia has 0.001 heavy metals in the soil.
The planting process of Helichrysum is very time consuming and the plant has to be picked manually from hand and before it is brought to the Distillery. If the plant is cut wrongly the plant will die The oil goes through about 15 to 20 tests to ensure that it is the highest quality before it is bottled.

5 interesting facts about Helichrysum:
• Helichrysum reliefs stress when inhaled or diffused.
• The oils has sun protective abilities, clarify skin and soothe minor irritation. It also moisturises skin and minimises appearances of fine lines and uneven skin tones
• The Helichrysum plant loves the sun and the plant can only be harvested when its sunny. When its rainy the oil of the plant goes into the roots. One has to wait until it is at least 3 to 4 days sunny before the harvest can start
• The plant can live 7 to 8 years and harvesting can start after one year
• The oils is in the leaves and stems and not in the flower. The flower contains the seeds.
After the visit to the farm and distellery and having experienced how much work goes into the whole process I will treasure my bottle of helichrysum evern more.